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Tennis Elbow? I Haven’t Swung a Racket in Years!

Bottom Line:

You don’t need to be John McEnroe to feel the pain of tennis elbow. Actually, 95% of people who suffer from lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, don’t even play tennis! Lateral epicondylitis is an inflammation of the tendon that attaches to the lateral epicondyle of your elbow. It can result in pain and weakness in the wrist and elbow. Repetitive motions and an awkward positioning of your wrist often contribute to tennis elbow. So how can you fix it? Keep reading…

Why it Matters:

Reducing inflammation around the tendon is an important first step. Reducing muscle spasms to improve blood flow, improve circulation and speed up recovery is also very important. After the pain has decreased, be sure to begin a combination of stretching and strengthening the muscles supporting your elbow, shoulder, and neck. Having restricted motion in your neck can predispose you to developing tennis elbow. Our team will carefully examine your neck, shoulder, elbow, and wrist to make sure the motion is natural and free of restriction.

  • Tennis elbow is inflammation of the tendon that attaches to your lateral epicondyle.

  • Overuse and repetitive motion can cause tennis elbow.

  • Postural changes, rehab, and Chiropractic care have been shown to be extremely effective at treating tennis elbow.

Next Steps:

Tennis elbow is unlikely to disappear on its own – but, by taking a conservative approach, you will be in the best possible position to find relief. Our team will help guide you through a complete plan of care to get your back in the game. Once you are feeling better, you may even want to pick up tennis as a new sport! Call our office today to get help with your tennis elbow: 847-426-7008

Stay Well,

Dr. Kim Gibas


Don't Miss our June Body Signals Workshop: Falling Apart Syndrome - Upper Extremities, Thursday, June 28th at our office in South Barrington from 6:30-7:30 PM. RSVP on our website or on Eventbrite . . . and invite your friends, too!


Science Source:

Chiropractic Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis: A Case Report Utilizing Active Release Techniques. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2014 Conservative Chiropractic Care of Lateral Epicondylitis. JMPT 2000

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