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Reduce Knee Pain Without Drugs or Surgery

Bottom Line:

Knee pain can be debilitating. Getting up and down stairs, long walks, and even getting around the house can be difficult when your knees hurt. The cause of knee pain is often osteoarthritis or the degenerative changes of the joint. The pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee is the number one cause of knee replacements worldwide. However, Chiropractic care may be able to help you regain mobility and get you back to performing the activities of daily living with less pain and without the need for drugs or surgery.

Why it Matters:

Inside each of your knees, you have two primary surfaces (or condyles); one on the outside (or lateral) portion of the knee and one on the inside (the medial aspect). These are meant to glide and move freely with equally balanced forces much like the tires on your car. If they are not balanced, then one side is more likely to develop degenerative changes that can lead to osteoarthritis. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore the ideal alignment and balance. This reduces the wear and tear on your knees, can help reduce pain and inflammation, and improve their overall function.

  • Osteoarthritis often causes knee pain.

  • Improper alignment can contribute to degenerative changes.

  • Adjustments have been found to improve the functional ability of the knee.

Next Steps:

Join us for our next workshop TODAY LIVE on Facebook where we will discuss how our practice has helped people just like you reduce their knee pain and get their life back!

Stay Healthy!

Dr. Kim Gibas

We're LIVE TODAY on Facebook! Join us for our first LIVE workshop broadcast from our Facebook Page at 12:20PM TODAY - Click here: New Beginnings Chiropractic & Wellness Center Facebook Page to join us!


Science Source(s):

Increasing Prevalence of Knee Pain and Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis. Ann Intern Med 2012

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New Beginnings Chiropractic & Wellness Center

33 W Higgins, Ste 520

South Barrington, IL 60010


Office: 847-426-7008   Fax: 847-426-7221

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