Adjust Your Thoughts About Seasonal Allergies
If you suffer from worsening allergies every spring, getting adjusted may help improve your quality of life. Medications often end up trigge

Sugar is Fuel for Allergies
Avoiding excess refined sugar is a great way to reduce your allergies. The next time you feel your allergies coming on, recognize it’s a bod

What are Allergies?
It’s not possible (or healthy) to avoid all forms of allergens, and besides- that would be no fun! Just like muscles, your immune system ge

Staying Well with Chiropractic Care
Many people start chiropractic care to get their life back from pain. But, preliminary research has shown that adjustments may have an impac

Foods to Fight Colds
You’ve heard it before, but it’s true. Food is the fuel for your body. So give your digestive system a break and be sure to eat easily diges

Move Your Way to a Better Immune System
Exercise and movement can increase our immunity in many different ways. First, when we exercise, blood pumps through our body at a rapid rat

Getting sick is…normal?
You probably know someone who almost never gets sick. Are they built with a superhuman immune system? Probably not.

Start Off This Year with an Energy Boost
Bottom Line: Getting enough sleep can be difficult around the holidays. Well, let’s get real- many of us don’t have the best sleeping...