Neck Pain, Posture and Headaches
You know that feeling - the one where you start to feel a headache coming on. For many people, it is a daily occurrence and often begins in

Your Arm Pain May be Coming from Your Neck
Cervical radiculopathy is the medical term for when a spinal disc in your neck is irritating or compressing a nerve root, causing pain, numb

Neck Pain, Posture & Headaches
You know that feeling - the one where you start to feel a headache coming on. For many people, it is a daily occurrence and often begins in

The Low Back and Leg Connection
The proper motion of these joints is crucial to their longevity. Researchers have discovered that adjustments to the hip, knee, and ankle ca

That Bad Old Hip (and What to Do About It)
Chronic hip pain has historically been treated with injections or even hip replacements. These invasive treatments have been performed tens

Every Step You Take
Your foot contains 26 bones, dozens of ligaments, and more than a hundred muscles all working together through 33 joints. Also included in t

Natural Ways to Find Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the wrist and hands. It can cause pain and numbness which makes work difficult. You probably know someone who

Sugar is Fuel for Allergies
Avoiding excess refined sugar is a great way to reduce your allergies. The next time you feel your allergies coming on, recognize it’s a bod

What are Allergies?
It’s not possible (or healthy) to avoid all forms of allergens, and besides- that would be no fun! Just like muscles, your immune system ge

Evidence-Based Solutions for Back Pain
Your body is designed to heal naturally, without the need for drugs and surgery. Our chiropractic team will work with your bodies natural he